

This is a term used to cover drugs listed in the BNF (British National Formulary) as antidepressant drugs. It includes selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (such as sertraline), tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, vortioxetine and tryptophan.


Used to cover drugs listed in the BNF as antipsychotic drugs. It includes quetiapine and aripiprazole.

Bipolar depression

A depressive episode in someone with bipolar.

Chief investigator

The chief investigator (CI) is the person who takes overall responsibility for the design, conduct and reporting of a study. (NIHR)

Pragmatic trial

A trial that aims to test a treatment policy in a ‘real life’ situation, when many people may not receive all of the treatment, and may use other treatments as well. (NIHR)

Primary Services

Primary care services include general practice, community pharmacy, dental and optometry services.

Principle Investigator (PI)

The principle investigator (PI) is the person at each site who is responsible for the day to day running of the research project.

Qualitative study

Qualitative research involves collecting and analysing non-numerical data, for example, interviews. It is used to explore and understand people’s beliefs, experiences, attitudes or behaviours. (NIHR)

In the ASCEnD study the qualitative study will allow participants to feedback their thoughts and opinions whilst the trial is open so that we can improve our processes for future participants.


In research, the process by which participants in clinical trials are assigned by chance to separate groups that are given different treatments or other interventions.

Secondary Services

Secondary care services include: planned or elective care, urgent and emergency care and mental health care.

Trail Steering Committee (TSC)

A trial Steering Committee has a supervisory and advisory role. It has overall oversight of the trial or research study and provides advice to the study/ trial management group, funder and sponsor of the research. (NIHR)

Treatment arm

An arm of a clinical trial is a group of participants who all receive a specific treatment. In ASCEnD the two treatment arms are:

• Aripiprazole and sertraline combination

• Quetiapine

Trial Management Group (TMG)

The TMG is responsible for the set-up, routine running and analysis of the research and is usually made up of the research team.

In the ASCEnD trial the TMG meet monthly to review the ongoing progress and conduct of the trial. (NIHR)

Unipolar depression

This is the same as depression or clinical depression. It is a mood disorder causing a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest- affecting how the patient thinks and behaves. It can cause a variety of emotional and physical problems. We are using the term "unipolar depression" to mean depressive episodes that occur in people who have never been manic or hypomanic.